Friday, May 13, 2011


So while Blogger has been down I realized that it's much a part of my routine.  Every morning after I get to work, I sit at my computer, eat my breakfast, drink my tea and read blogs.  Before I start work.  It's my launch into the day.  And I missed it the last day or so.  Bah.  I'm boring.

I'm also so busy I can't keep up at work.  Again.  This is insane. 

Went shopping last night.  Bought 2 pairs of capri's (one needs to go back), picked up a ring that my mom got me for my birthday (it hurts my finger lol) and attempted to find shoes for work.  I've never been able to wear shorts, skirts or capri's to work before.  I've always worked too much in the shop area and had to wear jeans and boots.  I'm pretty happy this year.  Although go figure I can't find shoes that I'd like to wear all day.  haha, oh well, I likey some shoe shopping!

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