Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I did some good soul searching last night. While I should have been I'm tired today. I realized not long after I posted that a major part of the reason I'm so anxious about JS has nothing to do with JS at all. I miss Chris. A lot.

He's been away for 18 days now and it's been a very long time since we were apart for that long. I think once back in the beginning of our relationship we were apart when he worked for 23 or 26 days, I can't remember how long it was now. By the time he gets home, we'll have been apart for 23 days. I miss him terribly.

I'm tired of being alone. I'm tired of sleeping alone. I miss him next to me. I miss cooking supper with him and cuddling on the couch watching TV with him. I hate that the only time I can talk to him is at night on the phone. I miss contact!

I wake up a lot at night most nights. But in the last week I've woken up thrashing around. I was telling Chris this morning and he told me that he thinks I was looking for him in my sleep. Makes good sense to me. It's going to be a lonnnngggg weekend for me. I'm not going in the city this weekend. If Carrie (poor girl) ever has that baby I might go see her, but she has family staying with her so if I do, it won't be for long. If the roads were better (they're awful) I'd go to my mom's. Anyhow, enough dwelling...

So Carrie went into labor at 3am on Tuesday morning, she finally called me at 3pm today, still no baby! Yikes. They were going to induce her, but nothing so far. I stopped by after work and saw her for a bit, she's doing well, but tired. Poor girl. When I left she had been in labor for over 39 hours and still no baby. They were thinking she might end up with a C section as he was still sitting high and his head wasn't in the proper spot. I hope I hear soon.

Well that's all I have for now. I'm exhausted beyond exhausted. I need to get some sleep.
5 more days...


  1. He will be back. JS is going to do whateevr JS does...I like this blogger platform and can mirror my posts over at Jayess...

  2. just a couple more days. hang in there.

    i'm on the fence about JS right now. we'll see what happens.

    stay warm. hope carrie has the baby soon.

  3. I hated it when Dale was gone for work, and thank god Bill rarely has to go! I hope these last few days fly by.

  4. I hope you all will continue blogging on Blogger, because I like it so much better too. :)

    Just think what a fantastic you and your hubby will have when he comes home..focus on that. :)

  5. That is a really long time to be apart. The longest we ever went was 10 or 12 days and it was awful! I feel for you .. **Hugs**

  6. to keep you from getting bored, how about making a list of things he needs to do when he comes back. but be sure to prioritize as he may not be able to do everything.


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