Monday, July 4, 2011


I do NOT love pollen.  I love spring, I like the prettiness of outdoors, but I have seasonal allergies.  And they are bad.  They seem to change from year to year.  Some years I don't even notice them, this year however, it is not the case. 

Earlier in the year I started feeling the effects, however it was quite early in the year and there had been a ton of rain, so it was odd to have my seasonal allergies be making an appearance, so I chalked it up to a possible spring cold and forgot about this.

This weekend however, they came back with a vengence.  I've been sneezing, runny nose, dry - itchy eyes, stuffy - tickly nose.  You name it.  And my allergy pills aren't working.  Arg.  They take away the dry itchy eyes but do nothing for the other symptoms.  I have Benadryl, which works like a dream, but it puts me to dreamland.  One pink pill and I'm snoozing before I know it.  I think I need to go see the pharmacist and see what I can find.  Either that or don't leave the house and keep all the windows closed for the next month...

We had a good weekend.  It was busy as usual.  Friday was a holiday and I cleaned the house, scrubbed it and made it sparkly clean.  I also donated a bunch of stuff.  Saturday I went to my great aunt's house and lent a hand again.  Brought home a bunch of stuff, donated a bunch of stuff, tossed a bunch of stuff.  My mom and step-dad came to stay for the night. 

Yesterday we had the baby.  She was quite entertaining yesterday.  We went to Ikea to look for a spare bed and while R was in the bathroom, we walked around the kids section looking at toys.  She was checking out the stuffed animals and would look at one then hand it to me and then choose another and put it back.  She came across a very soft, stuffed dog and gave it a huge hug and tucked it under her arm.  And she would not give it back to me.  She was in love. 

It was $8 and since we don't spoil her or buy her things very often we let her have it.  She was very happy.  For the rest of the trip she would not let go of this dog, not even to put her in her car seat, lol, it was adorable.  We even found her a small dresser for her bedroom for $40.  Love good deals! 

It was a good weekend. 

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