Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Why do people keep lying when you both know they are lying? Some stuff I get. I understand secrecy. I understand lying for a cause, although I prefer not too. What I don’t get is lying for no reason and then even once you’ve been proved to be lying, to keep the lie going. And argue and argue and argue over it. Why not just admit defeat?

C showed up last night. He was supposed to be working. He called me at 6:30pm last night and told me he was headed to a job. I knew he was on his way home. I could tell by what he said and how evasive he was. He wouldn’t tell me, answer his phone or texts after that. He text me at 8pm. Then showed up at the house at 10pm. He swore he slept the full 3 hour drive home and didn’t wake up until it was too late to let me know he was coming home. I asked how he could be sleeping the whole drive and not tell me he was coming home, but then could text me at 8pm, at which point he was almost half way back. He swears he didn’t know at 8 that he was coming home because he wasn’t driving. Look buddy, we both know you are lying, so why keep going with it? So that turned into a huge argument. Then he was mad that I had started packing. I’m tired today.

It’s harder today to find gratitude:

1. I’m thankful for my dog, who makes me smile every morning when she is always so excited to see me.

2. I’m thankful for my sister, and our relationship.

3. I’m thankful for my Step-mother, who I don’t always see eye to eye with on many things, but will someday be the person I go to for advice when it comes to step-children. We had a good chat on the phone this morning.

4. I’m thankful that I have my own office and on days like today, I can just close the door and work in peace.

5. I’m thankful that there are only 4 more work days until I’m on vacation for 9 days :)

1 comment:

  1. Lying? I take the Eastern philosophy. People lie to you because they do not trust you with the truth.

    Many times (almost always) when people lie it is a defense mechanism as they have low self esteem.

    It takes a very strong sense of self to tell the truth knowing someone is going to yell at you about it. Many people choose to lie instead. It just makes things worse.

    It takes 2 to lie. One to lie and one to listen....

    When people lie to me I blame myself and wonder what I did to make it so they would feel like they had to lie to me. As a result I am rarely lied to by anyone. Even if they do I don't get angry and they eventually come around.

    Strange philosophy but very true....



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