Monday, October 4, 2010

A little of this...

I really wanted this week to be a good one. I have this week and then I’m off all of next week. I’m going to see R, my mom, my sister and her kids and R again. Plus a good friend while I’m in BC. I’m super excited about that.

I have a ton of things to do this week to get ready to leave. I’m getting my nails done Wednesday after work (ya, ya I know, gel nails, but seriously, in the hour it takes every 3 weeks I swear it takes less time and they look great! It’s my only girly indulgence, give me a break lol). Thursday I have to get my SUV serviced and checked out. Plus laundry, packing and organizing. I have a ton of stuff to bring with me.

I’ve been at work for an hour and a half and I already have a complaint. Why do the stupid service writers not answer there telephone pages??? So, I’m forced to answer and then when I do and put the guy on hold to ask the foreman if we can do the job (so not my job to be doing this) then she runs in as the hero and takes the call, books it and ignores me while I’m telling her I already spoke to that person. I mean, come on! Grrrr…so annoying.

Why does C find it absolutely necessary to call me incessantly during the day? I’m at work! Hello!!! And then leaves me voicemails saying he needs to speak to me right away about his dying uncle and then when I call him back, he ignores my calls? Arg.

Ok, *sigh* today I’m grateful for:

1. A friend of mine, whose going through a rough time, and even though I’m a bit upset with her, she finally had a good weekend and met a guy that made her feel like the beautiful person she is.

2. R finally got a long distance calling plan yesterday. After 6 months of me calling, it’s really nice for him to call me instead. Silly, but still makes me smile.

3. 5 more days until vacation!!!!!

4. I packed boxes yesterday. In one way it was hard to start putting my stuff away and splitting our lives apart, but in another it was the best form of therapy. It felt like a step in the right direction.

5. I found some ginger citrus hand cream from last year. I’m in love with this stuff and I swear if I could I’d walk around all day smelling my hands…mmmm….heaven!


  1. HAng in there. The statistic is 17% of the time you will reach the party you inteneded with a phonecall.

    You doing okay?

  2. 17% sheesh! I'm not a fan of voicemail! I'm surviving, thanks Bobby.


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