I could totally rant about the week I've had, but instead I'm going to do a 5/5 and get it out and move on with it.
I'm Annoyed:
1. That the new girl I just finished training is (I'm pretty sure) looking for a new job already. Ugh.
2. I was told on Monday that my shirt was inappropriate - by someone who has nothing better to do than complain. I also checked with other people and they said I was fine - thank you very much!!
3. The people upstairs (along with everyother thing we're not allowed to do) have now taken over our parking spots. They have a garage, we park on the street. He parks like such an ass that I almost have to park down the block. It's my goal this weekend to get home Friday before he does so I can reclaim my spot - and then not move the SUV all weekend...hehehehe
4. I'm chair of the social committee at work, and I feel like I'm babysitting. The other members except 2 are not doing anything to help out, another member is getting resentful because she'd half doing the chair for me, but with trying to do my job and still spending a ton of time helping the new hire for my old job, I have no time to do anything! Frustrating!
5. I feel really tired lately. Super tired. I get up at 5:50am every day and by 9:30pm I'm usually on my way to sleepy town. R comes to bed a bit after me and I'm almost always asleep or falling asleep by then. Boo.
I'm loving:
1. A new project I'm working on! I'm having a lot of fun with it, and surprising myself with what comes out of it. Pictures to come later.
2. A beautiful
new friend that I've made! I love our chatty emails!
3. I'm giving R tickets to
Titanic for Valentines Day! Come on, tell me that's not romantic...plus I really want to see it, haha. He's taking me out for supper.
4. The weekend is almost here, the weather is getting nicer. R is doing a welding job on Friday night and Saturday morning, so I'm gonna get the house cleaned up and we are going to do something! Not sure what, but it will be good! lol.
5. I pulled out the slow cooker/crock pot again this morning, well last night actually. I want to keep using it and making the meal the night before to go in the pot, then putting it on in the morning. Come home at 5pm to cooked supper! How great lol. Today is the trial run. I usually do it on weekends but not during the week - I know backwards!
What's your good and bad?